Natural Solutions for Menopause: A Mini Survival Guide | Natural Factors USA Skip to content

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Natural Solutions for Menopause: A Mini Survival Guide

Natural Solutions for Menopause: A Mini Survival Guide - Natural Factors USA

The changes that occur when the body moves beyond its reproductive years can take us by surprise. It’s not simply a reduction in estrogen levels that underlie the various issues  that arise at midlife. Here is a simple roadmap to help you navigate the journey.

The Basics

Now is the time for paying closer attention to foundational elements of health. The term self-care is thrown around a lot these days, but this truly is the time for exercise, sleep, timein nature, and a nutrient-dense diet. All of these habits will aid in maintaining hormone levels already within the normal range and managing stress.* 

Adrenal Health

Fatigue, foggy thinking, irritability, and forgetfulness are often associated with menopause. However, that doesn’t mean those are directly related to the changing balance of reproductive hormones. 

When ovaries stop producing estrogen, the adrenal glands take over that role, albeit to a lesser extent. Between work and family demands, the adrenals are often already taxed at midlife. The added demands of menopause can stress the already-taxed adrenals, whose function may start to lag. 

Fortunately, the same self-care tips above are also restorative for the adrenals.* Specific nutrients may also help nourish these glands.* These include vitamin C, magnesium, B vitamins, and zinc.* 

Adaptogens are plant-based medicines that help us adapt to and cope with stress.* These herbs act by supporting the adrenal gland in maintaining normal daily rhythms of stress hormone release, helping to maintain both adrenalin and cortisol already within the normal range.*

Shining examples of potential adaptogens include ashwagandha, rhodiola, and Eleutherococcus.* Often taken in combination, these botanicals may help  maintain physical and emotional well-being in the face of stress.* 

Love Your Liver

What does your liver have to do with hormonal balance? Everything! This major organ is charged with processing and eliminating harmful forms of estrogen, not to mention countless other toxins.

Simple liver support includes starting your day with a cup of warm water with the juice of half a fresh-squeezed lemon.* Enjoy plenty of liver-friendly foods such as apples, beets, garlic, turmeric, and broccoli.* Minimize artificially fragranced body care and household products, as well as exposure to plastic, especially for food storage.

Check Your Thyroid

Female doctor looking helping patient

Nearly five out of every 100 Americans ages 12 and older suffer from a sluggish thyroid, a condition that becomes more common with age. [1] The thyroid is the body’s gas pedal: it is central to healthy weight management and a healthy metabolism.

Many menopausal symptoms overlap with indicators of low thyroid function. These include low energy, weight gain, hair loss, low mood, dry skin, and constipation.

Having a thorough assessment of thyroid function is an important part of a menopause wellness checkup. Standard thyroid testing is often limited to just measuring the major hormone TSH. A more comprehensive analysis includes other hormones such as T3, T4, and reverse T3. 

A diet that may nourish and support a healthy thyroid includes foods rich in iodine, such as nori, kelp, and other seaweeds.* Avoid raw cauliflower, kale, and other cruciferous vegetables, as they contain compounds that may inhibit thyroid function. The same applies to gluten-containing foods. 

Tackling Hot Flashes and Night Sweats

Woman experiencing a hot flash

We’ve all heard the joke: you’re still hot, it just comes in flashes now. Funny, although less so when the “power surge” arrives at an inopportune time, or when you are throwing the covers off at 3 am. Specific nutrition and herbal support may help to cool down.*

Try to identify and eliminate trigger foods, such as coffee, chocolate, red wine, peanuts, spicy food, and others. Add more phytoestrogens to the diet by eating more ground flaxseed, fresh green peas, oats, rye, lentils, and alfalfa.*

Time-tested herbs for easing hot flashes and night sweats include black cohosh, chasteberry, and dong quai.* These may also help to support clear thinking, vaginal comfort, and a balanced mood,  all frequent complaints at this time.*

If you are one of the “lucky” people who generally feel well at menopause except for only hot flashes and night sweats, then sage leaf may offer the needed support.* Used in Europe for centuries, it helps cool the body and support normal perspiration.* Men can also take sage or sage leaf for excess perspiration, however, men who experience night sweats should mention this to their doctor.

Bone Health

Bones are made of living, growing tissue that is constantly being renewed and replaced. After menopause, the rate at which lost bone is replenished slows down, which may play a role in decreased bone density. This can eventually lead to increased fracture risk.

This isn’t inevitable, though. In some places, notably Japan, people may largely maintain bone health after the change of life.

While calcium often gets top billing for bone health support, other nutrients play important roles in making sure it gets to the right place and stays there.* Vitamin D and magnesium are central to this process, along with vitamin K2.* Strength-training exercise, which builds and maintains muscle mass, also supports healthy bone strength and resilience.*

Consider Collagen

Collagen is a main structural protein throughout the body. It forms the scaffolding for everything, from bones and joints to skin and blood vessels and anything in between. Collagen gradually starts to diminish as early as in our 30’s, and the decrease in estrogen at menopause accelerates that process.

Collagen loss underlies deepening fine (and not so fine) lines, creaky joints, thinning bones, and changes in circulatory health. Vitamin C support and avoiding excessive UV exposure may help protect your collagen.* Hydrolyzed collagen peptides and/or choline stabilized orthosilicic acid may also help with collagen support*

Still feeling challenged or overwhelmed by menopausal changes? Speak to your naturopathic doctor to help develop a comprehensive menopause management plan.

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Dr. Rhéaume is a graduate of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine.

More articles by Kate Rhéaume, ND

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